Online Fee Payment Detail for Registration:
Account Title: Ayesha Ashraf
Account Number: 17767902698403 (HBL)
Fee For Students: 1500
Fee For Faculty: 2500
Scholars/Attendees are required to read the following instructions while submitting the fee online
- The fee must be submitted to the account given above.
- The Attendee has to send the proof of payment to the official email of the conference:
- In case you are a presenter, share your contact details along with the abstract and proof of payment to the given email and also share via WhatsApp on +923017552204.
- Both Attendee/Presenter have to bring the proof of payment on the conference day and submit it to the concerned person at the registration desk.
For more information, contact to:
Dr. Salma Mouneer
Phone: +923017552204