Workshops, Training & Seminar organized by WUM

Workshop on Importance of Documentary & Production

Sumaira Nadeem (Lecturer) and Uzma Saher (Lecturer), Dr. Tanzeela Awan (IPFP Fellow), Dr. Zermina Rashid (Lecturer), Department of Pharmacy attended workshop on Research Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Women Scientists on February 03, 2022 organized by PASTIC and WUM.

Week long Training-Life Sciences Faculty

Week long training was held on 14 March, 2022 under the faculty of Life Sciences. Plenary session conducted by Dr. Usman Ali Ashfaq Associate Professor GC University Faisalabad. On first day of training, two session was conducted.1st Session was conducted by Dr. Akhtar Ali on the topic of Seamless Genome Editing. Second session was conducted by Dr. Gennifar McGowan on the topic of Content delivery approaches in distance learning person modes and blended modes. At second day of training, two sessions were conducted. 1st session was conducted by Dr. Muhammad Tariq Pervez on the topic of genomic variant discovery interpretation and prioritization. 2nd session was conducted by Madiha Sajid on the topic of SDGs of Pakistan and Responsibility of the academia and developing communities of practice. At day three, 1st session was conducted by Dr. Sana Zahoor on the topic of Thermophiles: Biotechnological potential and utilization and 2nd session was conducted by Dr. Marta Futema on the topic of genomics of familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) from diagnosis to management. At 4th and fifth day of training sessions were conducted by, Dr. Asif Nadeem and Dr. Tanveer Hussian on Genomics ABC to XYZ and beauty lies in diversity: Richness of animal genetic resources of Pakistan and linked challenges and opportunities.

Five Days Workshop on Curriculum Development

Centre for Professional Development (CPD) organized 5-Days Workshop on Curriculum Development in collaboration with Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, under US Grant Project Strengthening Teaching & Research Capacity in Pakistani Women Universities through Collaborative Partnership in Social Sciences, from 14 -18 March, 2022. There presentative of every department participated the workshop May, 2022. Dr. Sara Musaddiq (Director, QEC, WUM) briefed the participants about key steps to establish QEC Cell, major tasks assigned to QEC and Elaborated different aspects of implementation of quality parameters.

Research Workshop on Report Writing

Department of Sociology organized one day research-based workshop on report writing was conducted, research expert on report writing Miss Iqra Almas was invited as a guest for training of research students on report writing. The chairperson Ms. Aisha Khan supervised the training.

Workshop on Cricket English Commentary

On 23rd February 2022 cricket English commentary workshop was organized by director sports Dr. Mamona Khan as directed by voice chancellor Prof. Dr. Uzma Quraishi. The resource person was Prof. Azam, a professional in English Commentary.

Workshop on Research Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Women Scientists

A workshop was organized by Department of Zoology in collaboration with National Academy of farming scientist Pakistan on February 23, 2022, titled Introduction to Research Innovation and Business Ideas for Women Scientists. Addressing the gathering Mr. Aftab Ahmed said that the purpose of conducting National Academy of science engineering and medical workshop was to elevate the polite of women scientist who are working to ensure success in women business endeavor. Vice Chancellor Prof Dr. Uzma Quraishi said that our women are in No way inferior to men in the society. The workshop was attended by teachers and students. The focal person of the workshop was Dr. Asiya Bibi (HoD, Department of Zoology).

Workshop on Capacity Building and Experience Sharing with Partner Universities

Uzma Saher, Lecturer Department of Pharmacy attended Two-Days Workshop on Capacity Building and Experience Sharing with Partner Universities held on 11th -12th February, 2022 at WUM.

Workshop on How To Utilize ProQuest Journals Dissertations and Varied Content Types in Teaching and Research

Workshop was held on September 14,2021 organized by ORIC The Women University Multan and HEC on the topic of How to Utilize ProQuest Journals Dissertations and Varied Content Types in Teaching and Research.

Two Days Training Workshop on Faculty Capacity Building

Two-day workshop on USA- Pakistan Universities Partnership Program 2020-22 started on February 11 2022 at the Katchery Campus, The Women University Multan. The program has been initiated by the United States Educational Foundation in Pakistan (USEFP) in collaboration with the Centre of the Professional Development. The focal person of the workshop was Director, Ms. Nosheen Tareen. Addressing the inaugural session Dr. Ataullah Khan (Vice Chancellor, KIU) about the development and effective leadership modules. Dr. Patricia Pashby (University of Oregon), Dr Taswar Baig and Dr. Zafar Khan also addressed the workshop. Dr. Afzal (Director, ORIC, KIU) give electron on the importance of our dynamic and sustainable ecosystem for Entrepreneurship. Addressing the last session, the special guest of the closing ceremony Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Uzma said that it is necessary to organize such workshop to enhance the teaching skills and capacity building to play a significant role in student development.  The workshop was attended by Registrar Dr. Qamar Rubab along with the chairpersons of all departments.

 Workshop for Affiliated Colleges Regarding Conduct of Examination in Semester System

 A one-day workshop for affiliated colleges regarding conduct for examination in semester system was organized by the controller of Examination office on January 26 2022 at Mattital campus. The chief guest was Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr.Uzma Qureshi and the focal person of the workshop was Dr.Hina Ali (Controller of Examination WUM). Dr.Hina Ali highlighted the rules and regulations of the semester the aim and the objective of smooth implementation for the requirements of the semester system. The controller examination office of WUM is in the hand of honest and hardworking people who are ensuring that examinations are conducted in a transparent manner and result are released on time. In the workshop Controller of Examination BZU Prof.Dr. Aman Ullah gave a detailed briefing about the semester system and informed about the method of conducting examinations and releasing timely result. Chairpersons and staffs of controller office attend the workshop.

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